We started the day off with a continental breakfast at our motel and got on the road right away. We continued down 101 to the Redwoods National Park where, in addition to crazy-big trees, there are crazy amounts of elk. We drove by one person's yard where there were a few just laying around in the lawn like dogs would. All in all we probably saw 60-70 elk, two herds of which were pretty large.
We checked out the visitor's center before heading into the park. Neat place, but almost bordering on creepy with all the taxidermy... what was really cool was a great big chunk of a redwood tree that had the antlers of an elk embedded in it. Apparently a looong time ago some unfortunate elk must have gotten his antlers caught in a knot in the wood or something, died, and over the next while (hundreds of years?.. it didn't say) the wood grew around the antlers. Awesome! I imagine the hiker who eventually discovered walked by and happened to notice it must have been pretty surprised.
Anyway, at the park we planned on doing a 1 mile hike in, 1 mile hike out - short, I know, but we also planned on making it to a KOA campground south of Sacramento in a town named Lodi so we had to stay on track. We set off on our hike and were immediately dumbfounded by the sheer scale of everything. We took our time and seemed to only be able to walk from tree to tree examining each one, taking photos, and discussing how amazing they were... so we were completely surprised when we happened upon a sign with a mile mark that said we had gone 2.4 miles. Oops!
We turned around at that point and hurried (as much as possible for us in the land of giant trees) back to our truck to get back on the road. We ended up being an hour behind schedule but we figured the loss of time was well worth it for the experience.
Back in the truck, we set off again down the coast to Arcata where we caught the CA-299 towards Redding through the Trinity National Forest.
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