Before we went to bed last night we decided that we would take a "near-o" day today (a day when you do little hiking and just relax; one step up from a zero day). We woke up whenever we felt like and spent most of the afternoon relaxing and catching up on chores (washing our dishes, writing in the log, etc). The sun was out and the wind was blocked due to us being on the eastern side of the mountain. Eventually we were hot and sweating - our Campmor keychain thermometer read 90* in the sun - which didn't go unnoticed by the insects... they were out in full force. Spring has started. In the late afternoon, after noticing numerous wolf spiders running around in the leaves we were camped in and then found a wood tick on our tent, we decided to pack up and get the heck out of there. (Oh and there were flies. Lots of them). We hiked a leisurely 3 miles to Blue Mtn. Shelter where we were suprised to find Baltimore Jack. He gave us advice and a tip on a campsite where we eventually decided to spend the night. Lots of flying bugs but otherwise pretty awesome. We basically have a 360* view of mountains and the night is clear and not too cold. We built a fire earlier in the evening, thought ahead to hang a bear bag (before it got dark), and tried out the beef stew that
Mike's sister and her boyfriend Joe bought for us (which turned out to be somewhat lacking in... goodness. Mike ate it all, with the aide of hot sauce. Saw lots of stars and went to bed.