Dicks Creek Gap (US 76) to Bly Gap- ~9.5 miles
Woke up, had breakfast at the local place (Georgia Mtn. Restaurant) while we wrote out thank-you cards, went grocery shopping, then checked out of the motel and remained in their yard packing our backpacks for a good 45 min. Hitching out of town was easier than on the way in- two guys in a pick-up truck pulled over in no time and told us to climb in the back. Enjoyed the unobstructed scenery until we were back at the gap. After a quick call to Ma (just checking in) we walked off into the wood again. It was a strenuous uphill to get out of the gap and it was HOT. At this point Mike's "rash", which by now we had deduced to be poison ivy, oak, or sumac, started to really itch and spread across his hands. Decided to keep a close eye on it and Mike was determined to not let it ruin his hike. As evening came we reached the state line- HECK YEAH! -which provided much motivation. Took some pictures, swatted the (so far constant) bugs, and headed to nearby Bly Gap where we made camp. Had a good fire and slept on a very uncomfortable incline after listening to loud and rowdy SoBo section hikers on the other side of the gap hoot and holler all night.
This blog is awesome, guys! Laura, you've been in the south too long. "Mom" is the name for damn yankee mothers and proud of it! I asked Jaclyn if she could help with the photo issue. Your writing is so good that pics would make it totally incredible. Sent the next box yesterday. Enjoy!!
I sent you an e-mail, Mike. Hope you got it. Mostly just saying I'd be happy to help with photos and the like . . .
Congrats on crossing the state line! Andrew and I will have a drink in your honor tonight! It's a week late, but it gives us an excuse to toast you!
Jaclyn & Andrew
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